Powerlifting Fundamentals Course
This course gives the participants the necessary background to compete in the sport of Powerlifting. Perfect for the novice lifter, trainer or gym goer looking to expand their knowledge or prepare for competition.
Participants will receive a certificate of completion.
This course is a prerequisite for the Powerlifting Advanced and Competition Training Course.
This course is a prerequisite for the Powerlifting Advanced and Competition Training Course.
The course is run over 2 days.
Discounts for Coaching Members
Module 1 (Powerlifting Introduction): Powerlifting 101, equipped vs raw Powerlifting, event variations, lift descriptions, referee calls, rules, federations, professional events, weight and age categories, how are winners determined, example scoresheet and how to read it, qualifying and grading, equipment, competition setup.
Module 2 (Anatomy and Biomechanics): Planes of movement, directions and positions, actions, movements, the skeletal system, types of joints, the muscular system, biomechanical levers, the fulcrum, types of levers, the moment arm, lift biomechanics, improve biomechanics for lifts.
Module 3-4 (The Squat): Lift demonstration, individual technical evaluation, regressing and progressing difficulty, accessory training.
Module 5-6 (The Bench Press): Lift demonstration, individual technical evaluation, regressing and progressing difficulty, accessory training.
Module 7-8 (The Deadlift): Lift demonstration, individual technical evaluation, regressing and progressing difficulty, accessory training.
Module 9 (Training and Programming): General adaptation syndrome (GAS), training variables (intensity/volume/frequency), absolute vs technical failure, training principals, RPE vs % based programming, session grading, periodisation and planning, the annual plan, example programs.
Module 10 (Common Injuries and Injury Prevention): Common injuries (shoulders, back, elbows, wrists, knees, hips), injury prevention. Questions and Answers session.
There is no requirement to participate in the practical component if you are unable to.
Dan and Paul Rucci
” I personally know the Rucci Brothers. I’ve trained with them and done workshops at their fantastic facility. These great men are more than qualified to help and teaches others, of any skill level, all about Powerlifting and Strength Training. I fully support this event!!”, Ed Coan
“I got to know the Rucci brothers while I was in Perth and can’t say enough great things about them. They are hard working, intelligent, and thoughtful and well learned and spoken in the area of coaching the powerlifts. If you are in the area or in need of two very good coaches please look into this.”, Paul Carter (Lift-Run-Bang)
Testimonial from Brooke Martin
“Wow, what an amazing weekend guys. Thank you so much for driving the 6hrs and taking the time away from your lives and your other clients to come help us all have a better understanding of Powerlifting as a sport! How amazing it was to feel a part of the PTC team and be helping my friends from Kalgoorlie feel the passion powerlifting can evoke. You can tell that powerlifting means a lot to Paul and yourself and that you live and breathe not only the sport but helping the rest of us achieve our absolute best potential! So much excitement for the future as part of the team and also to use what I have learnt to improve my personal lifts but also my knowledge as a coach at Crossfit Kalgoorlie #ptceducation”.